The rise of the queen of Boho, Sienna Miller. She was in love with Jude, was starring in cult films, and was bringing cowboy boots (and the irrepressable Ugg boot) in fashion. Happy and hippy...until Jude cheated. Shh don't spoil it. Some saw this return to pastoral, idyllic dressing as a reaction to 9/11.

In 2004 E4 begain airing Sex and the City and we had it non-stop on our screens until 2008. Four women, one city, a lot of shoes and a lot of sex epitomised fast life and love in the early noughties. Everyone suddenly wanted to imitate the kooky dress sense of Carrie Bradshaw and stylist Patricia Field went on to collaborate with M&S on her designs. The show also helped to put luxury designer label Jimmy Choo on the map and it the company is valued at $185 million. In a not so glamorous turn of events on this side of the pond the smoking ban had been implemented and although our hair no longer smelled of stale ash trays after a night out, other murkier smells did come to the surface in pubs, bars and clubs.

Amy Winehouse hits iconic status scooping a load of grammy awards for her 'back to black' album, her unique pin-up style of tattoos, bouffont hair and high waisted skirts was also widely copied. Luella Bartley wins designer of the year award for her quintessentially British colections but it is the issue of racism in fashion that dominates the year. During the US presidential campaigns with Obama-mania sweeping the world, Italian Vogue takes against the lack of black models by having Steven meisel photograph some of the most successful black models. In four seperate covers, including Naomi Campbell and Jourdun Dunn who wins model of the year, Vogue Italia produces the all black issue which sells out fast.
The recession kicks in and fast fashion and its exploitative ways are shunned in favour of sustainable style. Joanna Lumley heads the Gurka campaign fighting for Gurka refugees to have residence in Britain and wins the heart of the nation with her chic style and worthy cause. In response to the failing pound and the highest records of unemployment fashion aggressively fights back with 80s power dressing. Lady GaGa and Rihanna lead the way in futuristic, fashion forward designs. Balmain also reintrouces their classic shoulder padded military jacket which was the signature look of the suddenly deceased Mischael Jackson.